ToiFrontendService Interface Reference


Technical Preview:
This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiFrontendService is the entry interface for dealing with frontends using such as DVB-T, DVB-C etc. From this interface scanner instances may be created by applications to scan these frontends for services. Frontend downloader instances may also be created to download software required to perform software upgrades or updates to splash screens. In addition to this the interface can also be used to enumerate frontends and retrieve information about their capabilities etc.
See also:
This is a service and can be accessed through toi.frontendService

import "ToiFrontendService.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

ToiOperationManager getOperationManager ()
ToiDvbTScanner createDvbTScanner (in TToiFrontendId frontendId) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNotEnoughResourcesException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)
ToiDvbCScanner createDvbCScanner (in TToiFrontendId frontendId) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNotEnoughResourcesException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)
ToiFrontendDownloader createFrontendDownloader (in TToiFrontendId frontendId) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNotEnoughResourcesException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)
TToiFrontendIdSequence getFrontends () raises (TToiOperationNotSupportedException)
ToiFrontendServiceFrontendInfo getFrontendInfo (in TToiFrontendId frontendId) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNoDataException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)
ToiFrontendServiceFrontendInfo getFrontendInfoBySession (in ToiMediaSession::TToiSessionId sessionId) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNoDataException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)

Public Attributes

const TToiFrontendId FRONTEND_ID_ANY_FREE = -1
Property constants

Constants for extended frontend property identifiers.




const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_C = 0x1
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_S = 0x2
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_S2 = 0x4
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_T = 0x8
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ISDB_C = 0x10
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ISDB_S = 0x20
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ISDB_T = 0x40
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_SBTVD = 0x80
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_SCTE = 0x100
const TToiModulationSystem CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ATSC = 0x200

const TToiChannelBandwidth CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_1_8MHZ = 0x1
const TToiChannelBandwidth CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_5MHZ = 0x2
const TToiChannelBandwidth CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ = 0x4
const TToiChannelBandwidth CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ = 0x8
const TToiChannelBandwidth CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ = 0x10

const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_16 = 0x1
const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_32 = 0x2
const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_64 = 0x4
const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_128 = 0x8
const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_256 = 0x10
const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QPSK = 0x20
const TToiModulationMode CAPABILITY_MODULATION_DVS178_QPSK = 0x40

Public Types

typedef long TToiFrontendId
typedef sequence< TToiFrontendIdTToiFrontendIdSequence
typedef long TToiPropertyId
typedef sequence
< ToiFrontendServiceProperty
typedef long TToiModulationSystem
typedef long TToiChannelBandwidth
typedef long TToiModulationMode

Member Typedef Documentation

Specifies the bit-map position for channel bandwidth capabilities.

Identifier for a frontend, starting from 0

Sequence of frontend identifiers.

Specifies the bit-map position for modulation mode capabilities.

Specifies the bit-map position for modulation system capabilities.

Identifier for a frontend property

Sequence of properties.

Member Function Documentation

This function creates a new DVB-C scanner instance and associates it with the calling application. System resources are allocated when this function is called and released when ToiScanner::releaseInstance() is called.

When the application no longer needs the scanner instance, it must release it by calling ToiScanner::releaseInstance().

frontendId The frontend identifier which will be used to bind this specific frontend for the scan operation.
Return values:
scannerAddress The address to the ToiDvbCScanner instance.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the specified application identifier is invalid, or if frontend id is invalid.
TToiNotEnoughResourcesException Raised if the specified frontend resource is in use.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if DVB-C is not supported.
See also:

This function creates a new DVB-T scanner instance and associates it with the calling application. System resources are allocated when this function is called and released when ToiScanner::releaseInstance() is called.

When the application no longer needs the scanner instance, it must release it by calling ToiScanner::releaseInstance().

frontendId The frontend identifier which will be used to bind this specific frontend for the scan operation.
Return values:
scannerAddress The address to the ToiDvbTScanner instance.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the specified application identifier is invalid, or raised if the frontend id is invalid.
TToiNotEnoughResourcesException Raised if the specified frontend resource is in use.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if DVB-T is not supported.
See also:
ToiFrontendDownloader ToiFrontendService::createFrontendDownloader ( in TToiFrontendId  frontendId  )  raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNotEnoughResourcesException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)

This function creates a new frontend downloader instance and associates it with the calling application. System resources are allocated when this function is called and released when ToiFrontendDownloader::releaseInstance() is called.

When the application no longer needs the frontend downloader instance, it must release it by calling ToiFrontendDownloader::releaseInstance().

frontendId The frontend identifier which will be used to bind this specific frontend to the downloader instance.
Return values:
downloaderAddress The address to the ToiFrontendDownloader instance.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the specified application identifier is invalid, or if frontend id is invalid.
TToiNotEnoughResourcesException Raised if the specified frontend resource is in use.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if the function is not supported.
See also:

Get status information about the frontend, i.e. tuner and demodulator, for the dedicated frontend.

frontendId The frontend identifier.
Return values:
info The frontend status information.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the frontend id is not valid.
TToiNoDataException Raised if the frontend information is not available.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if there is no frontend available.

Get status information about the frontend, i.e. tuner and demodulator, for the dedicated session.

sessionId The media session identifier.
Return values:
info The frontend status information.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the session id is not valid or if the session does not exist.
TToiNoDataException Raised if the frontend information is not available.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if there is no frontend available or if the given media session is not using a frontend.
TToiFrontendIdSequence ToiFrontendService::getFrontends (  )  raises (TToiOperationNotSupportedException)

This function is used to get the frontend identifiers for the available frontends.

Return values:
identifiers A list of frontend identifiers.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if there is no frontend available.
ToiOperationManager ToiFrontendService::getOperationManager (  ) 

Returns the operation manager that handles asynchronous operations for all services derived from the Frontend service. The procedure of executing asynchronous operations is generic and looks like this:

  • Get a handle to the operation manager.
  • Register an observer to get operation events from the operation manager.
  • Create an operation in order to get an operation identifier.
  • Call a asynchronous operation using the operation identifier.
  • Receive progress events for the asynchronous operation.
  • When the operation is completed, get result data (if any).
  • Release the operation or reuse the identifier for another asynchronous call.
Return values:
address The address to the ToiOperationManager.

Member Data Documentation

Bandwidth of 1.8MHz used for SCTE OOB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_1_8MHZ.

Bandwidth of 5MHz.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_5MHZ.

Bandwidth of 6MHz.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ.

Bandwidth of 7MHz.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ.

Bandwidth of 8MHz.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ.

Modulation mode of QVS178_QPSK.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_DVS178_QPSK.

Modulation mode of QAM128.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_128.

Modulation mode of QAM16.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_16.

Modulation mode of QAM256.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_256.

Modulation mode of QAM32.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_32.

Modulation mode of QAM64.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QAM_64.

Modulation mode of QPSK.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_MODULATION_QPSK.

Modulation system ATSC, i.e. US Terrestrial.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ATSC.

Modulation system DVB_C.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_C.

Modulation system DVB_S.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_S.

Modulation system DVB_S2.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_S2.

Modulation system DVB_T.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_DVB_T.

Modulation system ISDB_C.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ISDB_C.

Modulation system ISDB_S.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ISDB_S.

Modulation system ISDB_T.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_ISDB_T.

Modulation system SBTVD, i.e. ISDB_T International.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_SBTVD.

Modulation system SCTE, i.e. US Cable.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_SCTE.

Predefined value to identify any appropriate free frontend

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.FRONTEND_ID_ANY_FREE.

Property used to indicate to which channel id a frontend is currently tuned to. This is derived from the centre frequency, see NORDIG requirement for DVB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.PROPERTY_DERIVED_CHANNEL_ID.

Property for the signal quality indicator. The value is between -1 and 100, where 100 means that the quality is the best possible and -1 means that the quality is not available. See NORDIG requirement for DVB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.PROPERTY_SIGNAL_QUALITY_INDICATOR.

Property for Signal Strength Indicator (SSI) of a frontend. See NORDIG requirement for DVB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiFrontendService.PROPERTY_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_INDICATOR.