Technical Previews

Member ToiAssetManagerService::copyAsset (in ToiOperationManager::TToiOperationId operationId, in TToiAssetId sourceAssetId, in unsigned long startOffset, in unsigned long duration, in TToiAssetId destinationAssetId)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Copies data from an existing source asset to a destination asset.

Member ToiAudioOutputService::getLatency (in TToiAudioConnectionId connectionId)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Returns the audio latency of a connection.

Member ToiAudioOutputService::setLatency (in TToiAudioConnectionId connectionId, in long latency)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Set an audio connection audio latency. latency is in milliseconds. This should affect all audio formats. If the latency parameter is out of range, the closest supported value is set. Setting the latency for one connection may impact the latency for other connections. In this case, the ToiAudioOutputLatencyChangedEvent will be called for all the impacted connections.

Class ToiChannelService
This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiChannelService is used to retrive information about available channels, for example services scanned through ToiScanner and friends.

Class ToiDiagnosticsDataModel
This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. This interface represents the data model of all the diagnostics information present on the device.

Class ToiDiagnosticsService

This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The interface for applications to get hold of an ToiDiagnosticsDataModel that can be used to retrieve diagnostics information from the platform.

Class ToiDlnaRendererManager

interface ToiDlnarendererManager is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

This is an interface to the DLNA DMR (Digital Media Renderer) manager, which is running as a platform service. The DMR manager handles the communication between the DMC and DMR, and sends the relevant requests to the application. The application uses this manager to register for DMR events, specifically media render requests and media render closing. The application then may open the required resource, and notify the DMR manager to continue with the rendering, or deny the request and not render.

Member ToiDlnaService::createRendererInstance ()

method CreateRendererInstance is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. This function creates a new DLNA Media Renderer Manager for control via an external DMC. This also notifies the internal DLNA stack there is a renderer available. When the application no longer needs the service, it should release it by calling ToiDlnaRendererManager::releaseInstance()

Class ToiDvbCScanner

This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiDvbCScanner interface is used for specifying scan criterias for a DVB-C service scan.

Class ToiDvbTScanner

This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiDvbTScanner interface is used for specifying scan criterias for a DVB-T service scan.

Class ToiFrontendDownloader
This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiFrontendDownloader interface provides functionality used to upgrade the STB with new software versions and/or splash screens. This interface is used for finding these downloads and get them through DSM-CC using DVB-C/T etc.

Class ToiFrontendService

This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiFrontendService is the entry interface for dealing with frontends using such as DVB-T, DVB-C etc. From this interface scanner instances may be created by applications to scan these frontends for services. Frontend downloader instances may also be created to download software required to perform software upgrades or updates to splash screens. In addition to this the interface can also be used to enumerate frontends and retrieve information about their capabilities etc.

Member ToiMediaPlayer::setAudioChannelMode (in long streamId, in ToiMediaPlayerBase::TToiAudioChannelMode channelMode)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

This enumerator is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. This is an ARIB specific type of subtitles.

This enumerator is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. This is an ARIB specific type of subtitles and used mainly for displaying alert messages on screen.

This enumerator is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Teletext VBI component have information of type ToiMediaPlayerBaseTeletextStreamInfo.

Member ToiMediaPlayerBase::TToiPaceSequence
List of supported paces

Member ToiMediaPlayerBaseStreamInfo::paces
This list, if not empty, specifies supported paces for ToiMediaPlayer::play() for the current stream. It is used for RTSP servers which support 'scales' parameter.

Member ToiMediaPlayerBaseTimeshiftInfo::assetId
This field may change. The asset identifier for the recorded content

Member ToiMediaRecorder::recordAt (in unsigned long offset)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. This function starts a new recording session and may reuse existing recorded content from another ongoing recording session, including a possible timeshift session, sharing the same source.

Class ToiPlatformComponentInfoChangedEvent

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

Member ToiPlatformService::getComponentInfo (in string componentName)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

Member ToiPlatformService::getComponentsInfo ()

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

Member ToiPlatformService::registerComponentUsage (in string componentName)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

Member ToiPlatformService::releaseComponentUsage (in string componentName)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

Member ToiPlatformService::REMOVE_CHANNELS
The flag REMOVE_CHANNELS is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Remove the channel database.

Class ToiScanner
This interface is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. The ToiScanner interface is the base interface for all other scanner interfaces. It contains control functions used for scanning, but the control parameters specific to different types of scans are set in interfaces derived from this.

Class ToiSchedulerSeriesChangedEvent

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. This function will be called when a series is changed.

Member ToiSchedulerService::getBookingIdsForSeries (in TToiSeriesId seriesId)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Get the bookings associated with a series.

Member ToiSchedulerService::getSeries (in TToiSeriesId id)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Get the info of the series with a certain series identifier

Member ToiSchedulerService::getSeriesConflicts (in TToiSeriesId id, in string category, in string activity, in TToiTime start, in long duration, in long weekdays, in long occurrence)

This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Detect conflicts for a new series booking or a series booking about to be rescheduled, but without actually booking any activities.

Member ToiSchedulerService::getSeriesIds (in string categoryExpression)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Get the all series identifiers with the given category.

Member ToiSchedulerService::getSeriesParameter (in TToiSeriesId id, in string name)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Get user defined parameters associated with a series.

Member ToiSchedulerService::getSeriesParameterNames (in TToiSeriesId id)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Get all user defined parameters names associated with a series.

Member ToiSchedulerService::removeSeries (in TToiSeriesId id)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Remove a booked recurrent scheduling.

Member ToiSchedulerService::scheduleSeries (in string category, in string activity, in TToiTime start, in long duration, in long weekdays, in long numberOfOccurrences, in TToiConflictStrategy conflictStrategy)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Requests scheduling of a recurrent booking.

Member ToiSchedulerService::setSeriesParameter (in TToiSeriesId id, in string name, in string value)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Add user defined parameters to a scheduled series.

Member ToiSchedulerService::unsetSeriesParameter (in TToiSeriesId id, in string name)
This method is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Remove user defined parameters from a scheduled series.

Class ToiSchedulerServiceSeries
This structure is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. Structure containing information about an existing series

Member ToiStorageDevicePartitionInfo::isReadWrite
TECHNICAL PREVIEW - This member may be removed. Read/Write status of the filesystem. Only valid if IsMounted is true. True if filesystem is mounted as read/write.

Member ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo::isApproved
Field "IsApproved" is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. True if this hard drive is allowed by Motorola. If false, the device can't be used.

Member ToiVideoOutputConfiguration::ANALOG_COLOR_SPACE_YPBPR

This enumerator is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.

Member ToiVideoOutputConfiguration::DIGITAL_COLOR_SPACE_XVYCC

This enumerator is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change.