ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo Interface Reference


This is the documentation for ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo.
Information about the storage device itself. Use toi.statics.ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo.create(<id>, <serialNumber>, <isInternal>, <isConnected>, <isSpinning>, <isOverheated>, <partitions>, <capacity>, <freeCapacity>, <temperature>, <isApproved>) to create an instance of ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo. The following parameters in the create method are optional: <isApproved>. For the optional members that have default values, the values are: ; if they are not set from the portal, they will have the default value.

import "ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo.idl";

List of all members.

Public Attributes

attribute string serialNumber
attribute boolean isInternal
attribute boolean isConnected
attribute boolean isSpinning
attribute boolean isOverheated
attribute long long capacity
attribute long long freeCapacity
attribute long temperature
attribute boolean isApproved

Member Data Documentation

Total disk space on storage device.

Not partitioned disk space on storage device.

Internal identifier of the storage device. Not persistent between reboots.

Technical Preview:
Field "IsApproved" is a TECHNICAL PREVIEW, it may change. True if this hard drive is allowed by Motorola. If false, the device can't be used.

True if the device is currently connected. A disconnected device will throw an exception when calling any of its methods.

True if the device is an internal storage device.

True if the storage device is overheated.

True if the storage device is spinning.

Persistent storage identification.

Current storage temperature, 0 if SMART support is unavailable