ToiMediaService Interface Reference


ToiMediaService is the main interface of the Media Service. It is used by applications to create media consumers, players and recorders. Each player, recorder and consumer generates a media session which can be accessed by any application through the (C++) OpenSession() function. This allows other applications than the actual owner to get stream information, extract stream data, set decryption keys etc.

See also:
This is a service and can be accessed through toi.mediaService

import "ToiMediaService.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

ToiMediaPlayer createPlayerInstance () raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNotEnoughResourcesException, TToiPermissionDeniedException)
ToiMediaPlayer createPipPlayerInstance () raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException, TToiPermissionDeniedException)
ToiMediaRecorder createRecorderInstance () raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException, TToiNotEnoughResourcesException, TToiOperationNotSupportedException)
void addEventListener (in long type, in ToiEventListener listener) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void removeEventListener (in long type, in ToiEventListener listener) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

Public Attributes

const string REASON_UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
const string REASON_COMMAND_OPEN = "CommandOpen"
const string REASON_COMMAND_CLOSE = "CommandClose"
const string REASON_COMMAND_PAUSE = "CommandPause"
const string REASON_COMMAND_PLAY = "CommandPlay"
const string REASON_COMMAND_FASTFORWARD = "CommandFastForward"
const string REASON_COMMAND_REWIND = "CommandRewind"
const string REASON_COMMAND_PLAYFROMPOSITION = "CommandPlayFromPosition"
const string REASON_COMMAND_RECORD = "CommandRecord"
const string REASON_COMMAND_CONSUME = "CommandConsume"
const string REASON_POSITION_END = "PositionEnd"
const string REASON_POSITION_START = "PositionStart"
const string REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_OPEN = "TimeshiftBufferOpen"
const string REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_FULL = "TimeshiftBufferFull"
const string REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_DISCARDED = "TimeshiftBufferDiscarded"
const string REASON_ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ErrorCommandNotSupported"
const string REASON_ERROR_STREAM_CLIENT = "ErrorStreamClient"
const string REASON_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED = "ErrorConnectionFailed"
const string REASON_ERROR_INVALID_PRECONDITION = "ErrorInvalidPrecondition"
const string REASON_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED = "ErrorPermissionDenied"
const string REASON_ERROR_INVALID_DISKASSET = "ErrorInvalidDiskasset"
const string REASON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DISKASSET_VERSION = "ErrorUnsupportedDiskAssetVersion"
const string REASON_ERROR_DISK_FULL = "ErrorStorageFull"
const string REASON_ERROR_LOWLEVEL_IO_FAILURE = "ErrorLowlevelIOFailure"
const string REASON_ERROR_POSITION_INVALID = "ErrorPositionInvalid"
const string REASON_ERROR_DISK_OVERHEATED = "ErrorStorageOverheated"
const string REASON_ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE = "ErrorHostUnreachable"
const string REASON_ERROR_UNEXISTING_RESOURCE = "ErrorUnexistingResource"
const string REASON_ERROR_NO_EXTERNAL_INPUT_SIGNAL = "ErrorNoExternalInputSignal"

const long ON_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED = 1600

Public Types

typedef sequence
< ToiMediaServiceSessionInfo

Member Typedef Documentation

Sequence of sessions.

Member Function Documentation

void ToiEventTarget::addEventListener ( in long  type,
in ToiEventListener  listener 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException) [inherited]

This method registers an event listener for a specific event. Multiple listeners can be added for the same event. Events are broadcast to all registered listeners.

type The event type of the event to subscribe to.
listener The JavaScript function that will receive events.
TInvalidArgumentException Raised if the event type is not supported by this object or if the listener is not a valid JavaScript function. This exception is also raised if the application calls addEventListener with the same combination of type and listener twice.

This function creates a new Picture in Picture media player and associates it with the calling application.

When the application no longer needs the media player, it must release it by calling ToiMediaPlayer::releaseInstance(). This will return the underlying resources to the system.

Return values:
IToiMediaPlayer The address to the ToiMediaPlayer instance.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the specified application identifier is invalid.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if a new player instance cannot be created.
TToiPermissionDeniedException Raised if the calling application is not allowed to create instances of the media player. This restriction applies to popup applications.
See also:

This function creates a new media player and associates it with the calling application.

When the application no longer needs the media player, it must release it by calling ToiMediaPlayer::releaseInstance(). This will return the underlying resources to the system.

Return values:
IToiMediaPlayer The address to the ToiMediaPlayer instance.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the specified application identifier is invalid.
TToiNotEnoughResourcesException Raised if a new player instance cannot be created due to lack of system resources.
TToiPermissionDeniedException Raised if the calling application is not allowed to create instances of the media player. This restriction applies to popup applications.
See also:

This function creates a new media recorder and associates it with the calling application.

When the application no longer needs the media recorder, it must release it by calling ToiMediaRecorder::releaseInstance(). This will return the underlying resources to the system.

Return values:
IToiMediaRecorder The address to the ToiMediaRecorder instance
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the specified application identifier is invalid.
TToiNotEnoughResourcesException Raised if a new recorder instance cannot be created due to lack of system resources.
TToiOperationNotSupportedException Raised if recording is not supported on this system.
See also:
void ToiEventTarget::removeEventListener ( in long  type,
in ToiEventListener  listener 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException) [inherited]

This method removes an event listener for a specific event.

type The event type of the event to remove the listener from.
listener The JavaScript function that was previously added as an event listener.
TInvalidArgumentException Raised if the event type is not supported by this object or if the listener is not a valid JavaScript function. This exception is also raised if the listener had not previously been added.

Member Data Documentation

This is an Event identifier for ToiMediaSessionStateChangedEvent.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.ON_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED.

This is an Event identifier for ToiMediaSessionStreamInfoChangedEvent.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.ON_SESSION_STREAM_INFO_CHANGED.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_CLOSE = "CommandClose"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_CLOSE.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_CONSUME = "CommandConsume"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_CONSUME.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_FASTFORWARD = "CommandFastForward"

State change caused by a fast forward command

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_FASTFORWARD.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_OPEN = "CommandOpen"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_OPEN.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_PAUSE = "CommandPause"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_PAUSE.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_PLAY = "CommandPlay"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_PLAY.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_PLAYFROMPOSITION = "CommandPlayFromPosition"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_PLAYFROMPOSITION.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_RECORD = "CommandRecord"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_RECORD.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_COMMAND_REWIND = "CommandRewind"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_COMMAND_REWIND.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ErrorCommandNotSupported"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED = "ErrorConnectionFailed"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_DISK_FULL = "ErrorStorageFull"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_DISK_FULL.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_DISK_OVERHEATED = "ErrorStorageOverheated"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_DISK_OVERHEATED.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE = "ErrorHostUnreachable"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_INVALID_DISKASSET = "ErrorInvalidDiskasset"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_INVALID_DISKASSET.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_INVALID_PRECONDITION = "ErrorInvalidPrecondition"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_INVALID_PRECONDITION.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_LOWLEVEL_IO_FAILURE = "ErrorLowlevelIOFailure"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_LOWLEVEL_IO_FAILURE.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_NO_EXTERNAL_INPUT_SIGNAL = "ErrorNoExternalInputSignal"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_NO_EXTERNAL_INPUT_SIGNAL.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED = "ErrorPermissionDenied"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_POSITION_INVALID = "ErrorPositionInvalid"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_POSITION_INVALID.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_STREAM_CLIENT = "ErrorStreamClient"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_STREAM_CLIENT.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_UNEXISTING_RESOURCE = "ErrorUnexistingResource"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_UNEXISTING_RESOURCE.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DISKASSET_VERSION = "ErrorUnsupportedDiskAssetVersion"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DISKASSET_VERSION.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_POSITION_END = "PositionEnd"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_POSITION_END.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_POSITION_START = "PositionStart"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_POSITION_START.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_DISCARDED = "TimeshiftBufferDiscarded"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_DISCARDED.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_FULL = "TimeshiftBufferFull"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_FULL.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_OPEN = "TimeshiftBufferOpen"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_TIMESHIFT_BUFFER_OPEN.

const string ToiMediaService::REASON_UNKNOWN = "Unknown"

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiMediaService.REASON_UNKNOWN.