ToiInformationService Interface Reference


The Information Service is a responsible for collecting and storing information objects, i.e. simple string key/value pairs. The data is retrieved from different adapters, e.g. infocast, flash file system and firmware. Each adapter is a source and possibly a destination where the information object can be set.

Some of the adapters are editable through the set and unset methods. The editable adapters are divided into volatile and permanent, where the volatile data is lost at reboot and platform restart (caused by standby or other reason) while the permanent data is stored permanently.

If an object is available in more than one adapter, the service will use the value in the highest priority adapter. There is a strict priority order, which means that setting a value may not have any effect if a higher priority adapter has a value for the object.

This is a service and can be accessed through toi.informationService

import "ToiInformationService.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

boolean isObjectDefined (in string objectName)
string getObject (in string objectName) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
TToiObjectValueSequence getObjects (in TToiObjectNameSequence objectNames) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void setObject (in string objectName, in string value, in TToiStorageType storageType) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void setObjects (in TToiObjectNameSequence objectNames, in TToiObjectValueSequence values, in TToiStorageTypeSequence storageTypes) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void unsetObject (in string objectName, in TToiStorageType storageType) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void unsetObjects (in TToiObjectNameSequence objectNames, in TToiStorageTypeSequence storageTypes) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void subscribeObject (in ToiEventListener eventListener, in string objectExpression, in boolean callbackFlag) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void unsubscribeObject (in ToiEventListener eventListener, in string objectExpression) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void addEventListener (in long type, in ToiEventListener listener) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)
void removeEventListener (in long type, in ToiEventListener listener) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

Public Attributes

const string CFG_IIPDISTRIBUTION = "cfg.iipdistribution"
const string CFG_INFOCAST = "cfg.infocast"
const string CFG_EITCACHE_NVOD_IGNORERUNNINGSTATUS = "cfg.eitcache.nvod.ignorerunningstatus"
const string CFG_LOCAL_TIMEZONE = "cfg.locale.timezone"
const string CFG_LOCAL_LOCATIONCODE = "cfg.locale.locationcode"
const string CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_DRC = "cfg.audiooutput.dolbydigital.drc"
const string CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_DOWNMIX = "cfg.audiooutput.dolbydigital.downmix"
const string CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_LFE = "cfg.audiooutput.dolbydigital.lfe"
const string CFG_MEDIA_DRM_CGMSA = ""
const string CFG_MEDIA_STREAMER = ""
const string CFG_STORAGE_AUTOMOUNT = ""
const string CFG_NTP_MAXPOLL = "cfg.ntp.maxpoll"
const string CFG_NTP_MINPOLL = "cfg.ntp.minpoll"
const string CFG_NTP_SERVER = "cfg.ntp.server"
const string CFG_STANDBY_ALLOWUPDATE = "cfg.standby.allowupdate"
const string CFG_STANDBY_BOOTPOLICY = "cfg.standby.bootpolicy"
const string CMD_REBOOT = "cmd.reboot"
const string VAR_IP_DHCP_240 = "var.ip._dhcp.240"
const string VAR_IP_DHCP_241 = "var.ip._dhcp.241"
const string VAR_IP_DHCP_242 = "var.ip._dhcp.242"
const string VAR_IP_DHCP_243 = "var.ip._dhcp.243"
const string VAR_UTCTIME = "var.utctime"
const string CFG_LOCALE_UI = "cfg.locale.ui"
const string CFG_MEDIA_CHANNELTABLE = ""
const string CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_HD_WIDTH = "cfg.portal.displaybuffer.hd.width"
const string CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_HD_HEIGHT = "cfg.portal.displaybuffer.hd.height"
const string CFG_PORTAL_PROXYLIST = "cfg.portal.proxylist"
const string CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGBUFFER_WIDTH = "cfg.portal.renderingbuffer.width"
const string CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGBUFFER_HEIGHT = "cfg.portal.renderingbuffer.height"
const string CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGMODE_HD = "cfg.portal.renderingmode.hd"
const string CFG_PORTAL_WHITELISTURLS = "cfg.portal.whitelisturls"
const string CFG_WEBKIT_USERAGENT = "cfg.webkit.useragent"
const string CFG_AQAM_CONNECTED = "cfg.aqam.connectedforservice"
const string CFG_AQAM_TUNING_TURNONCHANNEL = "cfg.aqam.tuning.turnonchannel"
const string CFG_AQAM_TUNING_TURNOFFCHANNEL = "cfg.aqam.tuning.turnoffchannel"
const string CFG_IP_DNS1 = "cfg.ip.dns1"
const string CFG_IP_DNS2 = "cfg.ip.dns2"
const string CFG_IP_ETH0_MODE = "cfg.ip.eth0.mode"
const string CFG_IP_ETH0_ADDR = "cfg.ip.eth0.addr"
const string CFG_IP_ETH0_MASK = "cfg.ip.eth0.mask"
const string CFG_IP_GATEWAY = "cfg.ip.gateway"
const string CONST_FW_VERSION = "const._fw.version"
const string CONST_CAPABILITIES_MACROVISION = "const.capabilities.macrovision"
const string VAR_CAPABILITIES_DVR = ""
const string CONST_IP_ETH0_MAC = "const.ip.eth0.mac"
const string CONST_HW_MANUFACTURER = "const.hw.manufacturer"
const string CONST_HW_PRODUCTNAME = "const.hw.productname"
const string CONST_HW_SERIALNUMBER = "const.hw.serialnumber"
const string CONST_SW_BRANCH = "const.sw.branch"
const string CONST_SW_DATE = ""
const string CONST_SW_HOST = ""
const string CONST_SW_TIME = "const.sw.time"
const string CONST_SW_USER = "const.sw.user"
const string CONST_SW_VERSION = "const.sw.version"
const string CFG_ARCHITECTURE_BOOTIMAGECOMPATIBILITY = "config.architecture.bootimagecompatibility"
const string CFG_ARCHITECTURE_DBLCOMPATIBILITY = "config.architecture.dblcompatibility"
const string VAR_IP_DNS1 = "var.ip.dns1"
const string VAR_IP_DNS2 = "var.ip.dns2"
const string VAR_IP_ETH0_ADDR = "var.ip.eth0.addr"
const string VAR_IP_ETH0_MASK = "var.ip.eth0.mask"
const string VAR_IP_ETH0_STATUS = "var.ip.eth0.status"
const string VAR_IP_GATEWAY = "var.ip.gateway"
const string VAR_IP_METACHANNEL = "var.ip.metachannel"
const string VAR_RCU_LOWBATTERY = "var.rcu.low_battery"
const string VAR_IO_STATE = ""

const long ON_OBJECTS_CHANGED = 1100
const long ON_OBJECTS_REMOVED = 1101

const TToiStorageType STORAGE_PERMANENT = 0
const TToiStorageType STORAGE_VOLATILE = 1

Public Types

typedef long TToiStorageType
typedef sequence< string > TToiObjectNameSequence
typedef sequence< string > TToiObjectValueSequence
typedef sequence< TToiStorageTypeTToiStorageTypeSequence

Member Typedef Documentation

Type for sequence of object names.

Type for sequence of object values.

The TStorageType datatype enumerates the different ways to store objects in the Information Service.

Type for sequence of storage types.

Member Function Documentation

void ToiEventTarget::addEventListener ( in long  type,
in ToiEventListener  listener 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException) [inherited]

This method registers an event listener for a specific event. Multiple listeners can be added for the same event. Events are broadcast to all registered listeners.

type The event type of the event to subscribe to.
listener The JavaScript function that will receive events.
TInvalidArgumentException Raised if the event type is not supported by this object or if the listener is not a valid JavaScript function. This exception is also raised if the application calls addEventListener with the same combination of type and listener twice.
string ToiInformationService::getObject ( in string  objectName  )  raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to get a value of an object. If the object does not exist in any adapter, an exception is thrown. The IPC transport layer will generate a TIpcException if the result is too large, in which case (C++) GetObjectToFile() must be used.

objectName The name of the object.
Return values:
value The value of the object.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised when there is no value for the object in any adapter.
TToiObjectValueSequence ToiInformationService::getObjects ( in TToiObjectNameSequence  objectNames  )  raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to get the values of several objects in a single atomic transaction. The IPC transport layer will generate a TIpcException if the result is too large, in which case (C++) GetObjectToFile() must be used.

objectNames A list of object names.
Return values:
values A list of values.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised when there is no value in any adapter for some of the objects.
boolean ToiInformationService::isObjectDefined ( in string  objectName  ) 

This method is used to test if an object exists, i.e. if the object has a value in any adapter.

objectName The name of the object.
Return values:
exists Whether the object exists or not.
void ToiEventTarget::removeEventListener ( in long  type,
in ToiEventListener  listener 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException) [inherited]

This method removes an event listener for a specific event.

type The event type of the event to remove the listener from.
listener The JavaScript function that was previously added as an event listener.
TInvalidArgumentException Raised if the event type is not supported by this object or if the listener is not a valid JavaScript function. This exception is also raised if the listener had not previously been added.
void ToiInformationService::setObject ( in string  objectName,
in string  value,
in TToiStorageType  storageType 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to set the value of an object. It can be used to set the value in either a permanent or volatile adapter.

objectName The name of the object.
value The new value.
storageType The type of adapter to store the value in.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if there is no adapter of the specified storage type that supports the object.
void ToiInformationService::setObjects ( in TToiObjectNameSequence  objectNames,
in TToiObjectValueSequence  values,
in TToiStorageTypeSequence  storageTypes 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to set the values of several objects in a single atomic transaction. It can be used to set values in both permanent and volatile adapters.

objectNames A list of object names.
values The new values.
storageTypes A list of adapter types.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if there is no adapter of the specified storage type that supports one of the objects.
void ToiInformationService::subscribeObject ( in ToiEventListener  eventListener,
in string  objectExpression,
in boolean  callbackFlag 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to subscribe to value changes for an object. The subscriber is notified on the ToiInformationObjectsChangedEvent. If the object exists when the subscription is made, there will be a callback immediately if the callbackFlag is set, otherwise the object is requested from the adapters and a notification is made when the object becomes available.

The expression used can be a name of an object or an expression with a wildcard (*). The wildcard may only be used at the end of an expression and immediately after a dot (.), e.g. cfg.*, otherwise it is treated as an ordinary character.

eventListener ToiEventListener
objectExpression A object name or an expression with wildcard
callbackFlag If true, an immediate callback is invoked if the object exists.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the address is invalid.
See also:
void ToiInformationService::unsetObject ( in string  objectName,
in TToiStorageType  storageType 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to remove the value of an object. No exception is thrown if the object currently does not have a value. Note that a call to this method will only remove the object from a single adapter; it may still exist in another. For instance, the object may have been set through infocast, but this method can only remove the value from either a permanent storage, e.g. flash file system, or volatile storage, e.g. RAM.

objectName The name of the object.
storageType The type of adapter to remove the value from.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if there is no adapter of the specified storage type that supports the object.
void ToiInformationService::unsetObjects ( in TToiObjectNameSequence  objectNames,
in TToiStorageTypeSequence  storageTypes 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to remove the values of several objects in a single atomic transaction. It can be used to remove values in both permanent and volatile adapters. No exception is thrown if one of the objects currently does not have a value. Note that a call to this method will only remove an object from a single adapter; it may still exist in another. For instance, an object may have been set through infocast, but this method can only remove a value from either a permanent storage, e.g. flash file system, or volatile storage, e.g. RAM.

objectNames A list of object names.
storageTypes A list of adapter types.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if there is no adapter of the specified storage type that supports one of the objects.
void ToiInformationService::unsubscribeObject ( in ToiEventListener  eventListener,
in string  objectExpression 
) raises (TToiInvalidArgumentException)

This method is used to remove a subscription. If the expression contains a wildcard, only the exact expression is removed, e.g. if you have subscribed to cfg.* and cfg.ipaddress and then unsubscribe cfg.*, only the cfg.* subscription will be removed. No exception is thrown if the subscription does not exist.

eventListener ToiEventListener
objectExpression An object name or an expression with wildcard.
TToiInvalidArgumentException Raised if the address is invalid.
See also:
ToiInformationService::releaseObserver(), ToiInformationObserver

Member Data Documentation

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AQAM_AUDIO_ISODEFAULTLANGUAGE = ""

The default ISO language code configured by the headend controller in a NA QAM system. Used as the default desired language when multiple audio components are available, and the EPG preferred language is not set.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AQAM_AUDIO_ISODEFAULTLANGUAGE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AQAM_CONNECTED = "cfg.aqam.connectedforservice"

The connected status of the terminal as configured by the headend controller in a North American QAM system. If not connected, no OOB connection, no tunes, and no services are to be provided.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AQAM_CONNECTED.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AQAM_TUNING_TURNOFFCHANNEL = "cfg.aqam.tuning.turnoffchannel"

The channel (specified as a vcn) to be tuned when the terminal is turned off, as configured by the headend controller in a North American QAM system.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AQAM_TUNING_TURNOFFCHANNEL.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AQAM_TUNING_TURNONCHANNEL = "cfg.aqam.tuning.turnonchannel"

The channel (specified as a vcn) to be tuned when the terminal is turned on, as configured by the headend controller in a North American QAM system.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AQAM_TUNING_TURNONCHANNEL.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_ARCHITECTURE_BOOTIMAGECOMPATIBILITY = "config.architecture.bootimagecompatibility"

The boot image compatibility number.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_ARCHITECTURE_BOOTIMAGECOMPATIBILITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_ARCHITECTURE_DBLCOMPATIBILITY = "config.architecture.dblcompatibility"

The firmware compatibility number.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_ARCHITECTURE_DBLCOMPATIBILITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_ARCHITECTURE_TARGET = ""

The IP-STB's hardware architecture.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_ARCHITECTURE_TARGET.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_DOWNMIX = "cfg.audiooutput.dolbydigital.downmix"

List of Downmixing options applicable for Dolby Digital audio output format.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_DOWNMIX.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_DRC = "cfg.audiooutput.dolbydigital.drc"

Dynamic Range Control list of options applicable for Dolby Digital audio output format.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_DRC.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_LFE = "cfg.audiooutput.dolbydigital.lfe"

List of options applicable for Dolby Digital Low Frequence Effects audio output format.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_AUDIOOUTPUT_DOLBYDIGITAL_LFE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_EITCACHE_NVOD_IGNORERUNNINGSTATUS = "cfg.eitcache.nvod.ignorerunningstatus"

Turns on or off running_status detection when trying to obtain NVOD information.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_EITCACHE_NVOD_IGNORERUNNINGSTATUS.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IIPDISTRIBUTION = "cfg.iipdistribution"

The IIP distribution XML file holds the data concerning all IIPs that shall be available for runtime dynamic download.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IIPDISTRIBUTION.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_INFOCAST = "cfg.infocast"

An XML file that describes which channels and objects the Information Service in the platform should listen to. Only objects that are listed in this file will be downloaded.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_INFOCAST.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IP_DNS1 = "cfg.ip.dns1"

Primary DNS server address to use for static IP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IP_DNS1.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IP_DNS2 = "cfg.ip.dns2"

Secondary DNS server address to use for static IP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IP_DNS2.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IP_ETH0_ADDR = "cfg.ip.eth0.addr"

IP address to use for static IP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IP_ETH0_ADDR.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IP_ETH0_MASK = "cfg.ip.eth0.mask"

Netmask to use for static IP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IP_ETH0_MASK.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IP_ETH0_MODE = "cfg.ip.eth0.mode"

The IP address retrieval method; Static IP or DHCP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IP_ETH0_MODE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_IP_GATEWAY = "cfg.ip.gateway"

Default gateway to use for static IP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_IP_GATEWAY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_LOCAL_LOCATIONCODE = "cfg.locale.locationcode"

The location code as configured by the headend controller in a NA QAM system. Used for SCTE18 alerts, and local blackout zones, if supported.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_LOCAL_LOCATIONCODE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_LOCAL_TIMEZONE = "cfg.locale.timezone"

Selects the time zone to use on VIP19xx. The time zone configuration controls both the difference in time from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and daylight saving time.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_LOCAL_TIMEZONE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_LOCALE_UI = "cfg.locale.ui"

The language used for text strings in applications and by the EIT cache to decide which data to store.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_LOCALE_UI.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_AUTOSELECTION = ""

Turns on and off automatic selection of audio track.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_AUTOSELECTION.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_FORMATPRIORITY = ""

A prioritized case insensitive list of audio formats that is used for automatic audio selection.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_FORMATPRIORITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_LANGUAGEPRIORITY = ""

A prioritized case insensitive list of audio languages that is used for automatic audio selection.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_LANGUAGEPRIORITY.


The Preferred Audio Language Descriptor to use while determining the language of an audio stream. Possible values are "AC3" (AC-3 audio descriptor) or "MPEG" (ISO-639 language descriptor defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1).

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_PREFERREDLANGUAGEDESCRIPTOR.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_TYPEPRIORITY = ""

A prioritized case insensitive list of audio type that is used for automatic audio selection. Example of property: "normal" and "hearing_impaired".

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_AUDIO_TYPEPRIORITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_CHANNELTABLE = ""

The channel table.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_CHANNELTABLE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_DRM_CGMSA = ""

The minimum CGMS-A level that the application desires to be used on the analog video outputs. Minimum is in this case on a per-bit level. Note that this variable is available only if KreaTV is configured for it.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_DRM_CGMSA.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_DRM_MACROVISION = ""

The minimum Macrovision level that the application desires to be used on the analog video outputs. Minimum in this case is based on that a higher APS value is more restrictive.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_DRM_MACROVISION.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_STREAMER = ""

Contain parameters for the streamer.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_STREAMER.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_AUTOSELECTION = ""

Turns on and off automatic selection of subtitle stream.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_AUTOSELECTION.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_LANGUAGEPRIORITY = ""

A prioritized case insensitive list of subtitle languages that is used for automatic subtitling selection.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_LANGUAGEPRIORITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_MODEPRIORITY = ""

A prioritized case insensitive list of subtitle modes that is used for automatic subtitling selection.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_MODEPRIORITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_TYPEPRIORITY = ""

A prioritized case insensitive list of subtitle types that is used for automatic subtitling selection.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_SUBTITLING_TYPEPRIORITY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_MEDIA_TIMESHIFT_PLAYBACKPOLICY = ""

Specifies the behavior of time shift functionality when record operation is about to overwrite the current play location in circular buffer.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_MEDIA_TIMESHIFT_PLAYBACKPOLICY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_NTP_MAXPOLL = "cfg.ntp.maxpoll"

If kreatv-option-ntp is included in the boot image and cfg.ntp.server is set, the value of this variable, if set, will be used as the maxpoll value by the NTP client.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_NTP_MAXPOLL.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_NTP_MINPOLL = "cfg.ntp.minpoll"

If kreatv-option-ntp is included in the boot image and cfg.ntp.server is set, the value of this variable, if set, will be used as the minpoll value by the NTP client.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_NTP_MINPOLL.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_NTP_SERVER = "cfg.ntp.server"

If kreatv-option-ntp is included in the boot image, it will by default use the value of this object as the NTP server.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_NTP_SERVER.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_HD_HEIGHT = "cfg.portal.displaybuffer.hd.height"

The actual size of the display buffers for the HD video output. If the height is larger than the maximum value defined in the application property file, the maximum value will be used instead.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_HD_HEIGHT.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_HD_WIDTH = "cfg.portal.displaybuffer.hd.width"

The actual size of the display buffers for the HD video output. If the width is larger than the maximum value defined in the application property file, the maximum value will be used instead.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_HD_WIDTH.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_SD_HEIGHT = ""

The actual size of the display buffers for the SD video output. If the height is larger than the maximum value defined in the application property file, the maximum value will be used instead.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_SD_HEIGHT.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_SD_WIDTH = ""

The actual size of the display buffers for the SD video output. If the width is larger than the maximum value defined in the application property file, the maximum value will be used instead.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_DISPLAYBUFFER_SD_WIDTH.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_PROXYLIST = "cfg.portal.proxylist"

Configuration of external HTTP/HTTPS proxies.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_PROXYLIST.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGBUFFER_HEIGHT = "cfg.portal.renderingbuffer.height"

The actual height of the rendering buffer. If the height is larger than the maximum value defined in the application property file, the maximum value will be used instead.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGBUFFER_HEIGHT.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGBUFFER_WIDTH = "cfg.portal.renderingbuffer.width"

The actual width of the rendering buffer. If the width is larger than the maximum value defined in the application property file, the maximum value will be used instead.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGBUFFER_WIDTH.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGMODE_HD = "cfg.portal.renderingmode.hd"

Specifies whether to output graphics, subtitles and video on the HD output or just full-screen video and subtitles.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGMODE_HD.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGMODE_SD = ""

Specifies whether to output graphics, subtitles and video on the SD output or just full-screen video and subtitles.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_RENDERINGMODE_SD.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_PORTAL_WHITELISTURLS = "cfg.portal.whitelisturls"

The URL of the portals used by the portal application.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_PORTAL_WHITELISTURLS.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_STANDBY_ALLOWUPDATE = "cfg.standby.allowupdate"

If new software is detected in the bootcast channel, this object controls if the STB will reboot and load the new software when entering standby.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_STANDBY_ALLOWUPDATE.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_STANDBY_BOOTPOLICY = "cfg.standby.bootpolicy"

Specify the standby state of the STB after booting up.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_STANDBY_BOOTPOLICY.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_STORAGE_AUTOMOUNT = ""

Turns on and off automatic mounting of externally connected storage devices.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_STORAGE_AUTOMOUNT.

const string ToiInformationService::CFG_WEBKIT_USERAGENT = "cfg.webkit.useragent"

If set to a non-empty value, webkit will use the value as the user-agent string in the HTTP request.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CFG_WEBKIT_USERAGENT.

const string ToiInformationService::CMD_REBOOT = "cmd.reboot"

A request for IP-STB Reboot. Used by the KreaTV Platform and the Remote Reboot application if included.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CMD_REBOOT.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_CAPABILITIES_MACROVISION = "const.capabilities.macrovision"

Indicates if macrovision copy protection is supported by the hardware.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_CAPABILITIES_MACROVISION.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_FW_VERSION = "const._fw.version"

IP-STB firmware version.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_FW_VERSION.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_HW_MANUFACTURER = "const.hw.manufacturer"

Manufacturer of the IP-STB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_HW_MANUFACTURER.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_HW_PRODUCTNAME = "const.hw.productname"

Model name of the IP-STB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_HW_PRODUCTNAME.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_HW_SERIALNUMBER = "const.hw.serialnumber"

IP-STB serial number.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_HW_SERIALNUMBER.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_IP_ETH0_MAC = "const.ip.eth0.mac"

MAC address of IP-STB.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_IP_ETH0_MAC.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_CONFIGSIZE = ""

The amount of disk space, in bytes, the time-shift buffer needs to allocate to be able to store maximum time-shifted content at maximum configured bitrate.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_CONFIGSIZE.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_CONFIGTIME = ""

The time-shift buffer's configured capacity in seconds.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_CONFIGTIME.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_SW_BRANCH = "const.sw.branch"

The branch which the software was built from.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_SW_BRANCH.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_SW_DATE = ""

The date the software was built.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_SW_DATE.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_SW_HOST = ""

The host on which the software was built.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_SW_HOST.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_SW_TIME = "const.sw.time"

The time the software was built.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_SW_TIME.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_SW_USER = "const.sw.user"

The user name of the user that built the software.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_SW_USER.

const string ToiInformationService::CONST_SW_VERSION = "const.sw.version"

The software version.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.CONST_SW_VERSION.

This is an Event identifier for ToiInformationObjectsChangedEvent.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.ON_OBJECTS_CHANGED.

This is an Event identifier for ToiInformationObjectsRemovedEvent.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.ON_OBJECTS_REMOVED.

Permanent data is permanently stored and is not lost at standby, but might be lost at reboot since the data is not permanently written every time something changes (to avoid destroying the Flash memory if the data is stored there).

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.STORAGE_PERMANENT.

Volatile data is always lost at reboot and platform restart (caused by standby or other reason).

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.STORAGE_VOLATILE.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_CAPABILITIES_DVR = ""

Indicates whether DVR is supported or not. Both the software and the hardware needs to support it, otherwise the value is false. It is variable rather than a constant for use cases with external drives that are plugged in at run-time.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_CAPABILITIES_DVR.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IO_STATE = ""

Indicates the general state of operation.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IO_STATE.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_DHCP_240 = "var.ip._dhcp.240"

Contains the value of option-240, set in the DHCP server.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_DHCP_240.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_DHCP_241 = "var.ip._dhcp.241"

Contains the value of option-241, set in the DHCP server.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_DHCP_241.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_DHCP_242 = "var.ip._dhcp.242"

Contains the value of option-242, set in the DHCP server.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_DHCP_242.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_DHCP_243 = "var.ip._dhcp.243"

Contains the value of option-243, set in the DHCP server.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_DHCP_243.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_DNS1 = "var.ip.dns1"

Primary DNS server address retrieved through DHCP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_DNS1.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_DNS2 = "var.ip.dns2"

Secondary DNS server address retrieved through DHCP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_DNS2.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_ETH0_ADDR = "var.ip.eth0.addr"

IP address retrieved through DHCP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_ETH0_ADDR.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_ETH0_MASK = "var.ip.eth0.mask"

Netmask retrieved through DHCP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_ETH0_MASK.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_ETH0_STATUS = "var.ip.eth0.status"

Indicates if the network is ready.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_ETH0_STATUS.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_GATEWAY = "var.ip.gateway"

Default gateway retrieved through DHCP.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_GATEWAY.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_IP_METACHANNEL = "var.ip.metachannel"

The IP address and port of the Infocast Meta data channel.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_IP_METACHANNEL.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_AVAILABILITY = ""
Indicates the availability of time-shift buffer. The recording is disabled until the time-shift buffer is ready.

Note that this is now always set to TRUE and the time-shift buffer is available immediately.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_AVAILABILITY.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_SPACEREQUIRED = ""

Indicates the amount of disk space, in bytes, the time-shift buffer lacks to reach full capacity.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_MEDIA_TIMESHIFTBUFFER_SPACEREQUIRED.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_RCU_LOWBATTERY = "var.rcu.low_battery"

Indicates that the battery level in the Remote Control Unit is running low. Applications should subscribe to this object to receive a callback every time the RCU signals low battery level.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_RCU_LOWBATTERY.

const string ToiInformationService::VAR_UTCTIME = "var.utctime"

This object is sent from the Configuration Server and contains the current time in UTC format.

This constant can also be accessed from toi.consts.ToiInformationService.VAR_UTCTIME.