ToiMediaPlayerPositionChangedEvent Interface Reference


Gives the observer an up-to-date snapshot of the position in the stream, together with information about how the position changes. This event may be emitted at any time within a session, but generally it is emitted every time the pace changes and in regular intervals inbetween, provided that the pace is not zero.

position The "current position" in milliseconds. If asset start is 0, relative position from start is equal to "current position". Otherwise, relative position from start is "current position" - "asset start".
pace The pace at which the position changes, given as a multiplier of normal playback times 1000. If the stream is paused the pace is zero. When the stream is played at normal speed the pace is 1000. In ToiMediaPlayerBase::STATE_FASTFORWARDING the pace is generally above 1000, and in ToiMediaPlayerBase::STATE_REWINDING generally below -1000. For example, if the stream is rewinded at a pace three times normal playback, the pace is -3000.

import "ToiMediaPlayerPositionChangedEvent.idl";

List of all members.

Public Attributes

readonly attribute long position
readonly attribute long pace
readonly attribute long evtType
readonly attribute ToiEventTarget evtTarget
readonly attribute unsigned
long long 

Member Data Documentation

readonly attribute ToiEventTarget ToiEvent::evtTarget [inherited]

The event target that generated the event.

readonly attribute unsigned long long ToiEvent::evtTimeStamp [inherited]

The time stamp that the event is generated.

readonly attribute long ToiEvent::evtType [inherited]

The type of the event.