Parameter Description Values Default Set by Read by
AnalogCopyProtection The value of analog copy protection level Integer - LatensDaemon -
AppBlankVideo - - - -
AudioCodecType This parameter contains the audio codec type. A string. - Application -
AudioDecoderState The audiodecoder can either be in a ready state or awaiting configuration. ready, stopped - TAudioDecoderControllerElement -
AudioEncodingPriorityList Priority list for automatic audio encoding selection comma separated list of encodings - MediaPlayer -
AudioLanguageAutomaticSelection Used for enable or disable automatic audio audio language selection Boolean ("true"/"false") - MediaPlayer (reading from infobroker) -
AudioLanguagePriorityList Priority list for automatic audio language selection comma separated list of language codes - MediaPlayer -
AudioSamplingFreq This parameter contains the audio sampling frequency. A string. - Application -
AudioTypePriorityList Priority list for automatic audio mode selection comma separated list of audio mode - MediaPlayer -
STBID This parameter is used for communication with a Bitband VOD server. It represents the client ID in the RTSP setup message. A string - URI or by using SetParameter() -
BlankVideo The AVI Parameter among File Source, AVI and Payload Sink Elements. A string. - AVI Element. -
bufsize Specifies the size (kB) of the media buffer to use. For very high bitrate streams the default value may not be enough. If less buffering is required, this can be lowered to free up memory for other tasks. 512 - 4096 kB 2048 kB Streamer config, URI -
buftime This parameter is used to change how much data (ms) to buffer before starting to play a non H.264 stream.If the value is set too low there is a risk that the buffers might be emptied because of network lag (this will cause the service to once again buffer up data again). If the value is set too high, on the other hand, the buffer might be filled too much giving a similar effect. Also the higher the value is set the longer it takes to start playing a stream, e.g. when switching TV channels. 0 - 3000 ms 500 ms Streamer config, URI -
Cgmsa Indicates if CGMSA copy protection is enabled or not. true, false - MediaPlayer -
ClosedCaptioning Indicates if closed captioning is enabled or not. true, false - MediaPlayer -
closedCaptionChannel Channel for Closed Captions. NOTE! Only available for VIP1200. 1 - 8 1 Streamer config, URI -
closedCaptionMode Set the Closed Captioning data mode. Valid values are 608 for EIA-608 captions (VIP1200/VIP1900), 708 for EIA-708 captions (VIP1200) and disable to disable Closed Captions. 608, 708, disable disable Streamer config, URI -
closedCaptionOverlay When this parameter is true Closed Captions will be rendered on the video by the STB. When this parameter is false Closed Captions will be output as VBI data in the video signal. This parameter only has an effect when Closed Captions are enabled by closedCaptionMode. NOTE! Only available for VIP1200. true, false false Streamer config, URI -
CloseBlack Controls if video should be blacked out or freezed when closed. true, false true Application -
ComponentOutput Indicates if component output should be enabled or disabled. true, false - MediaPlayer -
CurrentCciMarkerToken Indicates the most recently found CCI marker token in dvr playback. Cci marker tokens indicate when to set output control. String - Source Element -
HalBufferSaturationTime The video decoder saturation time. 0 - XXX. - Source element. -
DescramblerKeysSet This parameter is set to true when the CA system has set the descrambler keys, used by ProgramExtractorElement to control data postponement The CRC32 of the ECM triggering the key change. - The CA system extension. -
discardRtpHeaders If this parameter is set together with an igmp:// URI the incoming data is assumed to be RTP and the RTP header is discarded before the data is processed. This can be used to increase performance in the case where the RTP format is used on the network but the RTP functionality is not needed once the data reaches the STB. true, false false URI -
DivxDrmFile Indicates if DivX DRM file is played back or not. true, false - Avi File Source Element -
DrmAuthorizedFlag Indicates if DivX DRM authorization is enabled or not. true, false - Avi File Source, PS-HW Elements -
DrmRentalFlag Indicates if DivX DRM rental is enabled or not. true, false - Avi File Source Element -
DrmUseCount The number of time the DivX file has been played back. Integer - Avi File Source Element -
DrmUseLimit The number of playbacks allowed for the DivX file. Integer - Avi File Source Element -
EncodingAps Indicates if APS copy protection for encoding is enabled or not. String - Analog Source Element -
EncodingCgmsa Indicates if copy protection for encoding is enabled or not. Integer - Analog Source Element -
EncodingMacrovision Indicates if Macrovision for encoding is enabled or not. Integer - Analog Source Element -
errorrecovery The errorrecovery parameter determines how the STB will try to handle corrupt streams, e.g. in the case of packet loss. high means the STB will try to hide stream errors as much as possible. This may result in that instead of showing an area on screen with errors, an entire frame may be repeated (small picture freeze). NOTE! This is not available for VIP1200. high, medium, low high Streamer config, URI -
InputAudioFormat - - - -
InputAudioPid - - - -
InputPcrPid - - - -
InputStreamType - - - -
InputVideoFormat - - - -
InputVideoPid - - - -
Macrovision Indicates if Macrovision copy protection is enabled or not. true, false - MediaPlayer -
OutputAudioFormat - - - -
OutputAudioPid - - - -
OutputPcrPid - - - -
OutputVideoFormat - - - -
OutputVideoPid - - - -
PauseBlack Controls if video should be blacked out or freezed when paused. true, false false Application -
PMT_BASE64 DEPRECATED This parameter holds the current program map table used for transport streams. Binary is encoded to Base64 format - TTsProgramSelectorElement -
PMT This parameter holds the current program map table used for transport streams. Binary data - TTsProgramSelectorElement -
PreferredAudioEncoding Preferred audio encoding selection which overrides PARAM_AUDIO_ENCODING_PRIO_LIST encoding - Audio controller element -
PreferredAudioLanguage Preferred audio language selection which overrides PARAM_AUDIO_ENCODING_PRIO_LIST language code - Audio controller element -
PreferredAudioLangDescriptor Preferred audio language descriptor which overrides default behavior of using MPEG-2 ISO-639 Language Descriptor. AC3/MPEG - Streamer Core -
ProxyList Contains the currently used proxy address by the system. IP address - - -
PipMode Used for inform streamer element current player is in PiP mode or not. Boolean ("true"/"false") - TVideoControllerElement -
RecordingType This parameter contains Recording type. Recording type may be AUDIO_ONLY or VIDEO_ONLY or AUDIO_VIDEO A string. - Application -
RtspNow When this parameter is set to true, the RTSP play message will be issued with the range "npt=now-". This is only valid when playing a stream from a RTSP server that supports this feature. true, false false URI -
SoundMode Sound mode currently "SPDIF" or != "SPDIF" - MediaPlayer -
startmode The parameter will configures how the streamer starts a stream. When the parameter is set to adaptive, the STB will show video in "slow motion" until A/V sync is correct. This can be useful when playing h264 streams with large A/V diff. When the parameter is set to normal, the STB will display a black image until audio and video are in sync. NOTE! VIP1500/1700 only support fast or normal mode. VIP1200 always use normal mode. fast - Show a picture as fast as posible. normal - Don't show anything until A/V sync. adaptive - Show video in slow motion until A/V sync is correct. normal Streamer config, URI -
StatisticsBeforeCa In some cases it is desirable to restrict the range of playback for an asset. This parameter determines the start time in seconds into the asset. While this parameter is in effect, it is not possible to go to a position before the defined time. The parameter is primarily intended for use together with the duration parameter. NOTE! Only implemented for RTSP type servers This parameter determines if the server should avoid playing the entire asset, and selects how much of the asset should be played before reporting end of stream. NOTE! Only implemented for RTSP type servers When this parameter is true, data received before the new PAT/PMT when changing to a new channel is considered valid. On average this gives slightly faster zap times, but can also result in image/video disturbances. This is used to control if the statistics element will precede the CA element. 0 - XXX s 0 - XXX s true, false true, false true false Streamer config, URI Streamer config, URI Streamer config, URI Streamer config, URI -
StreamerMode Used to inform streamer element(s) if the streamer is in atsc mode and hence to conditionally recognize DC-II as a valid video type. atsc (or null) - Streamer Config -
SubtitleAutomaticSelection Used for enable or disable automatic subtitle selection Boolean ("true"/"false") - MediaPlayer (reading from infobroker) -
SubtitleLanguagePriorityList Priority list for automatic subtitle language selection comma separated list of language codes - MediaPlayer (reading from infobroker) -
SubtitleModePriorityList Priority list for automatic subtitle mode selection comma separated list of subtitle modes (DVB, Teletext) - MediaPlayer (reading from infobroker) -
SubtitleSocketName Information about a subtitle stream. The pid of the stream should be added at the end of the parameter name. Information about a teletext stream. The pid of the stream should be added at the end of the parameter name. Socket name used by subtitle render to receive subtitles data. sti XML data (see TMetaTeletextStreamInfo) string - Subtitle stream info decoder element. Subtitle stream info decoder element. Subtitle render Subtitle sink element
SubtitleTypePriorityList Priority list for automatic subtitle type selection comma separated list of subtitle types (normal, hearing_impaired) - MediaPlayer (reading from infobroker) -
UseProgramCache Controls if the Program Cache should be used. true, false false Typically a source element that want cached PMT:s (like dvb) -
VideoBitRate This parameter contains the video bitrate. A string. - Application -
VideoDecoderState The videodecoder can either be in a ready state or awaiting configuration. ready, stopped - TVideoDecoderControllerElement -
VideoFrameRate This parameter contains the video frame rate. A string. - Application -
VideoResolutionX This parameter contains the video width. A string. - Application -
VideoResolutionY This parameter contains the video height. A string. - Application -