IP-STB Installation Package

An IP-STB Installation Package (IIP) is a way to store different parts used to build a KreaTV IP-STB boot image. Different IIPs are combined to form a complete boot image. An IIP may contain software and/or configuration.


There are tools available to build IIPs. See the IIP building page for more information.


Each IIP has a number of attributes. For a detailed description of all attributes, see the IIP Attributes page.


A boot image contains a database of all installed IIPs. This is used to make sure that any dependencies between IIPs are fulfilled, and can also be used at runtime to check the current configuration (which IIPs that are installed).

IIP files

An IIP file is a gzipped tar archive (tgz). This means that tar can be used to examine the contents. An IIP has the following name:


For descriptions of <name>, <version> and <architecture> see the IIP attributes.


To generate IIP documentation, simply run the iip_doc command.