How to NFS mount the IP-STB software

In order to speed up development, KreaTV provides the possibility to let most of the boot image reside on a NFS mounted external disk instead of inside the IP-STB. To use this feature you need the following components:


Create a rootdisk as described in the Boot image building section. Unpack the rootdisk on a NFS server. It is important that the permissions are preserved on the rootdisk. Ensure this by unpacking it with tar xzpf <rootdisk file name>. Note the complete path including .../rootdisk/.

DHCP options

The DHCP options necessary for NFS mount is described in the DHCP options section. You need to set the kernel-protocol parameter to "2".

Boot image with NFS mount support

Create an NFS kernel as described in the Boot image building section.

  1. Update your DHCP server to provide the address to the NFS server.
  2. Update your DHCP server to provide the path to the root disk. The complete path (/...../rootdisk/) should be stated.
  3. Make sure the STB downloads and starts the bootimage (kernel) with NFS support, either via Infocast or TFTP.
  4. The kernel will mount the root file system via NFS and contine booting as normal.