The white list URLs definition

The white list URLs defines the domains to be handled as portals by the VIP units. The white list URLs definition uses XML and is as default located in <installation home>/kreatv-server/infocast/whitelisturls.xml.

If the Portal and the Web applications are installed, then all URLs matching the specifications in this file will be handled by the Portal application and all other URLs will be sent to the Web application.

Note! If pages are requested using both FQDNs and IP addresses, then both formats must be presented in this file to get the desired effect.

The first URL specified is loaded when the portal application is started.

Note! It is not possible to set a specific page that is to be loaded when the portal aplication starts. The portal application will always request a directory. Example: You want the portal application to start on the page then you must specify as your first Portal URL. You must then on the web server ensure that index.htm is the page displayed when no specific page is requested. The Portal application will request "".

Portal URLs DTD

<!ELEMENT PortalURLs (PortalURL+)>

White List URLs XML example

The name of this file in the evaluation configuration is whitelisturls.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE PortalURLs SYSTEM "whitelisturls.dtd">

White List URLs XML description

Element Comment Values
PortalURLs Defines the complete set of portal URLs. Contains one or more PortalURL items. The first specified portal URL is the one that will be loaded when the Portal application starts. Type:
XML object

Value set:
<PortalURL> objects

PortalURL Defines one portal URL. The URL may be specified as a FQDN or as an IP-address. A certain directory in the domain may be specified. If so, only URLs matching the complete prefix will be considered as portal URLs. In the example, is a portal page, but is not.

Note! The portal URLs are matched as prefixes, but an extra slash is added to the end of the URL if not already there. This means that and are equivalent. Also note that http:// is implicit.


Value set:
A valid IP address or FQDN
