The proxy list is used for redirecting certain HTTP requests from the browser to a HTTP proxy. If no HTTP proxy is used in the network, an empty proxy list must still be provided to the boxes using Infocast.
The proxy list definition is common to the Portal and Web applications.
<!ELEMENT ProxyList (Proxy*, NoProxy*)>
<!ELEMENT Proxy (Protocol, Host, Port)>
<!ELEMENT NoProxy (Host+)>
<!ELEMENT Protocol (#PCDATA)>
The name of this file in the evaluation configuration is proxylist.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ProxyList SYSTEM "proxylist.dtd">
Element | Comment | Values |
ProxyList | The proxy list. This may be left empty to indicate that no proxies should be used. |
Type: XML object Value set: |
Protocol | The protocol this definition is valid for. All connections
using the protocol specified here are redirected to the host
and port specified in below.
Exceptions: See NoProxy below. |
Type: String Value set: |
Host | The address to the proxy server for this protocol in a format
that the |
Type: String Value set: |
Port |
The port on <Host> that the |
Type: Integer Value set: |
NoProxy | A list of hosts that should be accessed directly. (Not via the proxy defined above.) |
Type: XML object Value set: |
Host | Connections to hosts within the given domain do not use a proxy.
Note! It is not possible to specify a path. Only entire domains as FQDNs or IP addresses may be specified. |
Type: String Value set: |