Called when the storage device spins up/down. When the storage device spins up/down for other reasons than because of calls to ToiStorageDevice::spinUp() and ToiStorageDevice::spinDown(), this event may be delayed for several seconds. Also, if the device spins back to its previous state within this period, (C++) OnDeviceSpinningChanged() will not be called.
info | Storage information for the device. |
import "ToiStorageDeviceSpinningChangedEvent.idl";
Public Attributes | |
readonly attribute ToiStorageDeviceStorageInfo | info |
readonly attribute long | evtType |
readonly attribute ToiEventTarget | evtTarget |
readonly attribute unsigned long long | evtTimeStamp |
readonly attribute ToiEventTarget ToiEvent::evtTarget [inherited] |
The event target that generated the event.
readonly attribute unsigned long long ToiEvent::evtTimeStamp [inherited] |
The time stamp that the event is generated.
readonly attribute long ToiEvent::evtType [inherited] |
The type of the event.