ToiDiagnosticsDataModelObjectsChangedEvent Interface Reference


Notifies the Listener of changes to objects in the data model.

objects The objects that have changed. Note: Each object will have the ObjectId and name,value pairs for ONLY the parameters that have changed. Rest of the parameters that make up this object but have not changed will be left out. TToiObjectInfo::Children list will be empty.

import "ToiDiagnosticsDataModelObjectsChangedEvent.idl";

List of all members.

Public Attributes

readonly attribute
readonly attribute long evtType
readonly attribute ToiEventTarget evtTarget
readonly attribute unsigned
long long 

Member Data Documentation

readonly attribute ToiEventTarget ToiEvent::evtTarget [inherited]

The event target that generated the event.

readonly attribute unsigned long long ToiEvent::evtTimeStamp [inherited]

The time stamp that the event is generated.

readonly attribute long ToiEvent::evtType [inherited]

The type of the event.