The remote reboot is used to assure that all IP-STBs in a network are running the intended software version.
Several remote reboot objects targeting different sets of boxes may be specified.
All boot images can use the basic remote reboot feature but an application/portal must be included in order to use the Question Dialogue.
The application/portal shall subscribe ToiInformationService::ON_OBJECTS_CHANGED event of "cmd.rebootquery.message" object via Information Service to show the Question Dialogue. The value of "cmd.rebootquery.message" object is a piece of xml of "Notification" element in remote reboot config file as described in below section. The application/portal must parse the "Notification" element to retrieve the notification message. The application/portal also shall set the value of "cmd.rebootquery.response" object to "Yes" or "No" via Information Service according to the user's action. e.g. choosing "Accept" or "Postpone".
<!ELEMENT RemoteRebootRequests (RemoteRebootRequest+)>
<!ELEMENT RemoteRebootRequest (
((SoftwareDate, SoftwareTime) | (SoftwareVersion)),
(SerialIntervalStart, SerialIntervalEnd)?, Model?,
Severity, Timeout?, DelayedReboot?, Notification?)>
<!ELEMENT SoftwareDate (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SoftwareTime (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SoftwareVersion (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SerialIntervalStart (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SerialIntervalEnd (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Severity (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Timeout (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT DelayedReboot (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Notification (Text, Button, Button)>
<!ELEMENT Button (Text, Action)>
This file is not included in the evaluation configuration.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE RemoteRebootRequests SYSTEM "remotereboot.dtd">
<Severity>Question Dialogue</Severity>
<Text>System maintenance reboot requested. Accept this reboot or postpone it?</Text>
Object | Comment | Values |
SoftwareDate |
Used together with the SoftwareTime to
determine whether the build date of the current software on the
IP-STB is the desired one. The IP-STB will reboot until both
values correspond to those of the software.
Either Date + Time or Version must be specified. This value is set automatically when building the boot image. Note! This may make the IP-STBs reboot forever. |
Type: Numerical string Value set: |
SoftwareTime |
Used together with the SoftwareDate to
determine whether the build date of the current software on the
IP-STB is the desired one. The IP-STB will reboot until both
values correspond to those of the software.
Either Date + Time or Version must be specified. This value is set automatically when building the boot image. Note! This may make the IP-STBs reboot forever. |
Type: Numerical string Value set: |
SoftwareVersion |
Used to determine whether the version of the current software
on the IP-STB is the desired one. The IP-STB will reboot until
the value corresponds to that of the software.
Either Date + Time or Version must be specified. This value is set automatically when building the boot image. Note! This may make the IP-STBs reboot forever. |
Type: String Value set: Example value: |
SerialIntervalStart |
No IP-STBs with serial number less than SerialIntervalStart will be
Note! Read this information on how serial numbers are specified. |
SerialIntervalEnd |
No IP-STBs with serial number larger than SerialIntervalEnd will be
Note! Read this information on how serial numbers are specified. |
Model |
Only IP-STBs of the specified type will be rebooted.
The string specified here is compared to the value of the object
"config.productname ".
Note! The string is compared using prefix matching so the string VIP192 will match VIP1920TDB but not VIP1910. |
Type: String Value set: Example value: |
Severity |
Determines when the IP-STB is to reboot. Forced Reboot = Immediately Automatic = At standby Question Dialogue = Show a Notification to interact with the user. This requires that the Remote Reboot application is installed and started. Note! |
Type: String Value set: |
Timeout |
Time to wait for user response in case of
Question Dialogue
before rebooting anyway.
Note! This time is calculated
from that the object is received. The
Type: Numerical Value set: Default value: |
DelayedReboot |
Delays the actual reboot a random time. From 0 seconds up to
the value set. This is useful when rebooting a large number of IP-STBs at the same time, to reduce the load on surrounding systems. |
Type: Numerical Value set: Default value: |
Notification |
Definition of the user dialogue. Only used in case of
Question Dialogue ,
may be left out otherwise.
Type: Empty Value set: |
Text (Notification) |
The informational text displayed in the user dialogue. |
Type: String Value set: |
Button |
A possible user choice. You must specify two buttons, one with
Action Yes and one with
No .
Type: Empty Value set: |
Text (Button) |
Button description. |
Type: String Value set: |
Action |
Button result: Yes = Immediate reboot No = Reboot at next standby |
Type: String Value set: |